Category Archives: Education

Education is a weapon that can change the future, so here we will posting the education-related information mostly focus on English, maths and general information.

What is a computer?

A computer is a machine that can perform multiple tasks at a single point in time. It is totally different from other machines. If we see the example then the computer is a machine that can do multiple tasks at the same time whereas, another machine like washing machines can help to wash and dry… Read More »

What is Shrub?

Dear All, Once again in the world of Plant, we have already seen the information about the Tree, So today we will learn something more about a specific plant, that is Shrub, it is also called bush. A general definition of Shrub is the following: “A Shrub is much smaller than a tree” A Shrub… Read More »

What is Tree? Explain about Tree

Dear All, Today we are going to learn about Tree. As we know that Tree plays a very important role in our human life. But let’s learn basic definition and example of the tree. Definition of Tree: “A big an tall plant is generally known as a tree”  Let’s understand some other things about Tree.… Read More »

Hindi Word Bank (Part-30)

Dear Learner, Welcome to 30th post of Hindi Word Bank, I hope you are enjoying this Hindi word bank previous posts and improve your knowledge. so let’s deep into it:   Replica – प्रतिकृति   Tour programme  – यात्रा कार्यक्रम   Fluctuation – अस्थिरता, उतार-चढ़ाव   Forecast   – पूर्वानुमान   Description – विवरण   Counselling  – परामर्श   Capital expenditure… Read More »

Hindi Word Bank (Part-29)

Dear Learner, Welcome to 29th post of Hindi Word Bank, I hope you are enjoying this Hindi word bank previous posts and improve your knowledge. so let’s deep into it:   Storage capacity – भंडारण क्षमता   Strategy  – रणनीति   Preliminary – प्रारंभिक   Disbursement  – संवितरण    Correspondence course – पत्राचार पाठ्यक्रम  … Read More »

Hindi Word Bank (Part-28)

Dear Learner, Welcome to 28th post of Hindi Word Bank, I hope you are enjoying this Hindi word bank previous posts and improve your knowledge. so let’s deep into it:   Date of departure  – प्रस्थान तिथि   Scientific management – वैज्ञानिक प्रबंधन   Tax Abatement  – कर में कमी   Financial obligation  – वित्तीय… Read More »

Hindi Word Bank (Part-27)

Dear Learner, Welcome to 27th post of Hindi Word Bank, I hope you are enjoying this Hindi word bank previous posts and improve your knowledge. so let’s deep into it:   Amendment of rules/orders – नियमों/आदेशों का संशोधन   As discussed  – विचार-विमर्श के अनुसार   Committee may be apprised of the latest position –… Read More »

Hindi Word Bank (Part-26)

Dear Learner, Welcome to 26th post of Hindi Word Bank, I hope you are enjoying this Hindi word bank previous posts and improve your knowledge. so let’s deep into it:   For perusal and return – देखकर लौटाने के लिए For suggestions – सुझावों के लिए For early action please – कृपया शीघ्र कार्यवाही करें Early reply is… Read More »