Hindi Word Bank (Part-1)

By | December 22, 2018

Dear All,

We are starting a new module called Hindi Word Bank. The purpose to start this module is to educate you that we are using English word on daily basis but we don’t know the meaning in Hindi so we will understand the meaning of each word in English with Hindi so we can improve the word list of Hindi with English meaning.

Advance copy – अग्रिम प्रति
As ordered   –  आदेशानुसार
By the orders of Director  – निदेशक के आदेश से
Bill Outstanding – बकाया बिल
Checked and found correct  – जाँच की और सही पाया गया
Deemed to be  – समझा जाएगा
Delay is regretted – विलंब के लिए खेद है
Duly verified – विधिवत् सत्यापित
Expedite action – कार्यवाही शीघ्र करें
For Guidance  – मार्गदर्शन के लिए
I hope this new module will help you to improve your word knowledge. if you think that this post is useful to you then you can share with your friends and relative.
Happy Learning…!