Monthly Archives: December 2018

What is Shrub?

Dear All, Once again in the world of Plant, we have already seen the information about the Tree, So today we will learn something more about a specific plant, that is Shrub, it is also called bush. A general definition of Shrub is the following: “A Shrub is much smaller than a tree” A Shrub… Read More »

What is Tree? Explain about Tree

Dear All, Today we are going to learn about Tree. As we know that Tree plays a very important role in our human life. But let’s learn basic definition and example of the tree. Definition of Tree: “A big an tall plant is generally known as a tree”  Let’s understand some other things about Tree.… Read More »

Hindi Word Bank (Part-30)

Dear Learner, Welcome to 30th post of Hindi Word Bank, I hope you are enjoying this Hindi word bank previous posts and improve your knowledge. so let’s deep into it:   Replica – प्रतिकृति   Tour programme  – यात्रा कार्यक्रम   Fluctuation – अस्थिरता, उतार-चढ़ाव   Forecast   – पूर्वानुमान   Description – विवरण   Counselling  – परामर्श   Capital expenditure… Read More »

Hindi Word Bank (Part-29)

Dear Learner, Welcome to 29th post of Hindi Word Bank, I hope you are enjoying this Hindi word bank previous posts and improve your knowledge. so let’s deep into it:   Storage capacity – भंडारण क्षमता   Strategy  – रणनीति   Preliminary – प्रारंभिक   Disbursement  – संवितरण    Correspondence course – पत्राचार पाठ्यक्रम  … Read More »

Hindi Word Bank (Part-28)

Dear Learner, Welcome to 28th post of Hindi Word Bank, I hope you are enjoying this Hindi word bank previous posts and improve your knowledge. so let’s deep into it:   Date of departure  – प्रस्थान तिथि   Scientific management – वैज्ञानिक प्रबंधन   Tax Abatement  – कर में कमी   Financial obligation  – वित्तीय… Read More »

Hindi Word Bank (Part-27)

Dear Learner, Welcome to 27th post of Hindi Word Bank, I hope you are enjoying this Hindi word bank previous posts and improve your knowledge. so let’s deep into it:   Amendment of rules/orders – नियमों/आदेशों का संशोधन   As discussed  – विचार-विमर्श के अनुसार   Committee may be apprised of the latest position –… Read More »

Hindi Word Bank (Part-26)

Dear Learner, Welcome to 26th post of Hindi Word Bank, I hope you are enjoying this Hindi word bank previous posts and improve your knowledge. so let’s deep into it:   For perusal and return – देखकर लौटाने के लिए For suggestions – सुझावों के लिए For early action please – कृपया शीघ्र कार्यवाही करें Early reply is… Read More »

Hindi Word Bank (Part-25)

Dear Learner, Welcome to 25th post of Hindi Word Bank, I hope you are enjoying this Hindi word bank previous posts and improve your knowledge. so let’s deep into it:   Maintenance Department –  अनुरक्षण विभाग    Placement Office  – स्थानन कार्यालय    Stores and Purchase Department  –  भंडार एवं  क्रय  विभाग   Admission Office… Read More »

Hindi Word Bank (Part-24)

Dear Learner, Welcome to 24th post of Hindi Word Bank, I hope you are enjoying this Hindi word bank previous posts and improve your knowledge. so let’s deep into it:   Uncertain – अनिश्चित   Key note address – आधार व्याख्यान   Land use certificate – भूमि उपयोग प्रमाण-पत्र   Good Conduct  – सदाचरण   … Read More »

Hindi Word Bank (Part-23)

Dear Learner, Welcome to 23rd post of Hindi Word Bank, I hope you are enjoying this Hindi word bank previous posts and improve your knowledge. so let’s deep into it:   In the usual way – सामान्य रूप से   It is suggested that  – सुझाव है कि   Is not practicable –  यह व्यवहार्य… Read More »